Friday, December 4, 2015

I'm struggling. I don't know why I feel the way that I do but the closest description I can give is do you know the feeling you have when you're in a pool and standing on your tip toes in the deep end with water up to just below your nose? As close as you can get without breathing in water? That kind of struggling. I'm happy with my family, my husband and children are wonderful and I live for them. I'm blessed with so much that I could never express just how thankful I am. Still feel like I can't breathe. Why? Why am I so overwhelmed? I don't know.
I hope that things change soon. I know this is just baby blues but boy is it hard to shake. I'm 6 months out. It seems to late for baby blues but I guess 6 months is how it's going to go this time. Any way, venting done. Putting this mess away and moving on!
Praying tomorrow is a better day!